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The Division of Biology & Biomedical Sciences
The sections below describe the policies and procedures that apply to the graduate education of all Division students, regardless of their program affiliation. The Division of Biology and Biomedical Sciences DBBS is responsible for graduate education in the biomedical and biological sciences at Washington University. DBBS is organized into 13 academic programs, each representing a different scientific area.
Students receive current guidelines for these programs upon matriculation, wustl phd thesis, and periodic updates as changes occur. Those guidelines provide students with policies, procedures, and requirements specific to wustl phd thesis academic wustl phd thesis in which they are enrolled, wustl phd thesis.
This document consists of the policies and procedures that apply to the graduate education of all Division students, wustl phd thesis, regardless of their program affiliation. The hallmark of the Division is flexibility, and students should always feel free to explore the possibility of individualizing their programs where appropriate.
The Division presently includes over faculty; ~ students working toward the Ph. degree; and ~ students working toward the combined M. degree in the Medical Scientist Training Program MSTP. In addition, there are members of the Division faculty located in wustl phd thesis Departments of Chemistry, Psychology and Brain Sciences, Physics, Earth and Planetary Sciences, and the School of Engineering on the Danforth Campus and in the clinical departments of the School of Medicine, wustl phd thesis.
When Graduate School policy is referred to in this guide p lease consult the Graduate School Bulletin. However, each student must register continuously every semester from matriculation through thesis completion. Since the required courses do not total 36 units, DBBS students also register for a research course BIO Grades in core courses must be a B- or above and students must maintain a B 3. Normally, students will complete 36 credit hours by the end of the first semester of their second year.
All Division students are required to complete a one-semester course in teaching practice and a one-semester course in wustl phd thesis ethical aspects of conducting biological research. English Requirement for International Students. Any graduate student beginning studies in the Division who did not earn an undergraduate degree from a university in a country in which English is the primary native language, must demonstrate a satisfactory knowledge of, and facility with, spoken and written English.
In order to remain in good standing, any courses recommended by the ELP Program must be taken during the first calendar year the student is in the Division. After successful completion of these courses, the steering committee of the student's academic program is responsible for monitoring their English language proficiency. The steering committee may, at any time, require the student to complete additional course work recommended by the ELP. Effective communication of information and concepts is a critical skill for biomedical research scientists.
While much of the teaching that scientists engage in is through one-on-one interactions with individuals in the laboratory, wustl phd thesis, all scientists must be able to deliver lectures to a wide audience from peers in the field to neophytes with a limited understanding of the nuances of the topicand scientists in faculty positions will often teach courses to undergraduate and graduate students.
Therefore, DBBS students must demonstrate the ability to wustl phd thesis communicate complex ideas and concepts to groups of individuals at various levels of understanding. Prior to beginning their Mentored Teaching Experience, DBBS students will be required to complete the Graduate Student Teaching Orientation and a minimum of three minute teaching workshops, each covering a different topic, wustl phd thesis, offered by the Teaching Center.
Individualized instruction and mentoring will be provided by the course master of the class they have been assigned to. The course master will provide feedback throughout the semester, wustl phd thesis will complete an evaluation upon the completion of the Mentored Teaching Experience. Sequence of Teaching Opportunities for PhD Students Teaching experience will consist of two components: basic and advanced.
In the basic component, the DBBS student will serve as a mentored Assistant in Instruction AI in a course designated by the Associate Dean. The mentored teaching training must incorporate at least one of the following activities: delivering lectures, leading lab demonstrations, or conducting review sessions for groups of students.
Grading exams or papers, holding office hours, wustl phd thesis, one-on-one tutoring, etc. Mentored teaching opportunities will be reviewed annually to ensure that the experience meets the requirements established in this policy.
Students who receive an unsatisfactory grade wustl phd thesis any reason will be required to repeat MTE teaching. One semester of basic MTE is required, but students may participate in up to a maximum of three semesters if they request additional learning experiences as an AI in an effort to wustl phd thesis their professional portfolio and teaching skills. Students can earn a Teaching Citation for completing three semesters of teaching.
Students should enroll in LGS each semester when they are fulfilling the basic MTE requirement amended, September DBBS students will satisfy this component by presenting papers at journal clubs and delivering talks at scientific meetings, conferences and retreats. Students usually participate in three laboratory rotations before selecting a thesis mentor, wustl phd thesis.
Rotations can range widely and may even cross programs. Research rotations are designed to expose the student to new research approaches and different laboratory environments. Significant research accomplishment is not required for a successful rotation. Typical rotations last two to four months. Students who have already conducted research in a laboratory at Washington University are normally prohibited from conducting rotation research in their former lab.
Assistance with identifying appropriate rotation laboratories is available from academic advisers and program steering committees.
Students wishing to rotate with a faculty member who is not affiliated with DBBS must receive approval from their program director prior to starting the rotation.
Students write a brief description of the rotation project and their objectives prior to beginning the rotation, using page one of the Rotation Report Form. After each rotation, students meet with their rotation adviser to discuss their performance during the rotation.
Students must pass their program's qualifying examination. The format of the examination varies from program to program but an element common to all is an oral examination. The student should check their program's guidelines to determine the specific format of their exam. The purpose of the exam is to determine that the student has acquired sufficient knowledge to pursue independent research. After rotations have been completed, wustl phd thesis, students select a thesis mentor Thesis Affiliation Form.
Students are encouraged to gather information from several sources, including consultations with faculty and current students, before choosing a thesis lab. students must be in a thesis laboratory by September 1 of their second year, MSTP students by September 1 of the first year of Ph.
If a student is interested in pursuing their graduate studies with a faculty member who is not affiliated with DBBS, the student must identify a co-mentor who is affiliated with DBBS. Please refer to your program coordinator for more information.
By the fifth semester of graduate study, students establish a thesis committee and present a thesis proposal. The purpose of the thesis committee is to advise the student in his or her thesis research and to provide the student with a readily accessible source of advice and constructive criticism during the dissertation research.
The composition of thesis advisory committee requires approval from the respective Program Director, and the "Thesis Advisory Committee Wustl phd thesis Form" should be filled out Thesis Advisory Committee Approval Form.
All committees must be approved by the Dean of the Graduate School or by their designee, regardless of whether they meet the normal criteria. This provision is designed to permit your defense to proceed in case of a situation that unexpectedly prevents one of the five members from attending.
Note that the absence of the outside members or of the committee chair will necessitate rescheduling the defense. Members of the Dissertation Defense Committee normally attend in person, wustl phd thesis, but one of the five or, in case of an emergency, one of the four members may attend virtually e.
Read individual program guidelines for specific requirements and "Satisfactory Academic Progress" below for detailed information. The culmination of the research training experience is the writing and defense of a thesis. This occurs when the student, mentor, and thesis committee are in agreement that the student has produced a significant contribution to their research field and has matured into an independent scientific investigator.
The student will find specific instructions for completion procedures. Successful completion of the thesis involves passing an oral examination administered by the thesis committee and electronic submission of an approved written thesis. Following the defense of the thesis, all students should wustl phd thesis with their student coordinator for an exit interview.
MSTP students will resume studies toward the M. degree upon completion of Ph. Since the M. is a wustl phd thesis degree, the degrees will be awarded concurrently, at the end of clinical training. Health coverage will continue for MSTP students until they complete their M. After a Ph. At that time, wustl phd thesis, thirty days of emergency only health care coverage begins; arrangements for continuing medical coverage should be made prior to the thesis defense. There is no specific requirement for publication to receive the Ph.
Therefore, the publication record is one of several important and appropriate measures to be used by a thesis committee in evaluating a Ph. Research funding from sources that have intellectual property interests in the research, wustl phd thesis, or in which the PI has personal financial interest, may create a real or perceived conflict of interest, wustl phd thesis, given the dual roles of the principal investigator in obtaining funding for the lab and as a mentor for graduate students.
Statement of policy. The following principles should apply to any situation involving a graduate student supported by funding that is associated with a confidentiality agreement:, wustl phd thesis. Entering students are informed of the Washington University Graduate School Academic Integrity Policy and the Research Integrity Policy for Washington University. All entering students must complete three on-line compliancy requirements. Questions regarding these requirements may be directed to the Division Privacy Liaison HIPAA is a federally mandated act that gives healthcare providers guidelines for maintaining the confidentiality of protected wustl phd thesis information PHI.
The training and privacy policies that Washington University developed, ensure that our organization complies with HIPAA. As a graduate student working in clinical departments at a medical school, students need to be aware of the HIPAA guidelines and implications to your research.
Students entering 6th year in program will be required to repeat the on-line PERCSS module. All second-year Division students are required to complete the course, BIO Ethics and Research Sciencewhich explores ethical issues which research scientists encounter in their professional activities, wustl phd thesis.
Case study, scenario presentations and small group discussions provide the focus of the course. All students must read and understand the principles of academic conduct described in the Academic Wustl phd thesis Policy for Graduate Students which each student receives upon matriculation.
Failure to abide by these principles can wustl phd thesis serious consequences. The policy describes offenses that violate wustl phd thesis integrity and the procedure to be followed where there appears to be misconduct.
University policy does not allow individual faculty members, departments, wustl phd thesis, divisions, or students to adjudicate charges of integrity violations at the course or departmental level. Allegations of academic integrity infractions must be filed in writing with the Associate Dean of the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences. Formal advising and monitoring for students who have not yet proposed an acceptable thesis project is provided by the Steering or Advisory Committee of their academic program, wustl phd thesis.
This committee meets with students formally at least every semester to advise them on coursework, laboratory rotation experiences, and qualifying examination preparation.
Scientific advising is provided by the advisers of rotation laboratories during rotations; thesis mentors after a thesis laboratory is selected, and thesis committees following acceptance of the thesis proposal, wustl phd thesis.
Writing and Finishing the Diss: Dr. Trevor Sangrey
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Students will need an activated WUSTL key and password in order to create an account for the thesis submission. When ready to submit, make sure to have or know the following: Activated WUSTL key and password Full text of the thesis as a single PDF file, preferably under 30MB Apr 10, · Tamara covers pathology, immunology, medical microbiology, cell biology, neurology, and radiology. She holds a bachelor's degree in molecular biophysics and biochemistry and in sociology from Yale University, a master's in public health/infectious diseases from the University of California, Berkeley, and a PhD in infectious disease immunology from the University of California, San blogger.comted Reading Time: 2 mins The Division of Biology and Biomedical Sciences (DBBS) is responsible for graduate education in the biomedical and biological sciences at Washington University. DBBS is organized into 13 academic programs, each representing a different scientific area. Students receive current guidelines for these programs upon matriculation, and periodic
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