Yes. Working with professional essay writing services is worth it, especially for those students who struggle to write a good quality essay. By hiring an essay writing service online, students can save their time and submit a high-quality essay for better Petroleum Engineering Admission Essay /10() Admission Essays; Haven`t found the right essay? I would like to study Petroleum engineering specializing in Reservoir Engineering if possible. My interest in natural resources developed when I came across a detailed article in a newspaper about “Hubbert’s Peak”. I became fascinated with the evaluation of the subsurface formation Estimated Reading Time: 6 mins Petroleum engineering requires a good knowledge of many other related disciplines, such as geophysics, petroleum geology (drilling, economics, reservoir simulation,well engineering, artificial lift systems) Get Help With Your Essay If you need assistance with writing your essay, our professional essay writing service is here to help!
My Motivation to Study Petroleum Engineering: [Essay Example], words GradesFixer
Home — Essay Samples — Information Science and Technology — Engineering — My Motivation to Study Petroleum Engineering, petroleum engineering admission essay. From an early age I have enjoyed partaking in the sciences at school. I furthered this by studying them at an advanced level. I would like to study Petroleum engineering specializing in Reservoir Engineering if possible.
I petroleum engineering admission essay fascinated with the evaluation of the subsurface formation using sophisticated technologies, production of oil and the manner in which drilling for such a widely available resource has become so difficult in recent years.
It is truly an engineering marvel to see companies drilling ft into the sea to obtain a natural resource, which in years gone by was readily available at ft. Enrolling on my specified course is the natural step for me to develop my interest further and will petroleum engineering admission essay me to my chosen career of working within the field of natural resources.
Consequently, my experience in this university has been admirable in terms of both academics and other events. Besides, my interest in petroleum engineering, I also like learning new languages and exploring new cultures and traditions. The study of physics and mathematics has enabled me to develop my interests further. I am aware that drilling fluid plays an petroleum engineering admission essay part in the drilling of petroleum engineering admission essay and gas well.
This was an area, which was also touched upon during my visit to Oil and Natural Gas Corporation, India which is one of the biggest oil and gas company in India. Thus, petroleum engineering admission essay, leading to the expansion of my experimental horizons in further research. Moreover, I secured 2nd position in Ice Challenge competition, which made use of waste products. In turn, this made me aware of how engineering principles and equipment can make the best out of waste and how essential it is nowadays.
I believe that to succeed in life one must have a vast arsenal of skills and this is the reason why I have not limited myself to gaining experience purely in the science field. In the summer of I did internship in Nepal Oil Corporation for approximately 4 weeks.
I was able to experience the working life in an office environment. Meeting deadlines, working to a specific schedule, being flexible and learning how to work within new systems, were all basic tasks which prepare an individual for the time when one starts employment. With Amazing faculties in the university, we got to be the part of the National Science Conference and several seminars and guest lectures and learned petroleum engineering admission essay the scenario and technologies under research and market for the enhancement of the hydrocarbon exploitation.
In doing so I have increased my knowledge in cutting edge scientific developments, such as unconventional reservoirs. Magazines provide a general aid as to developments being made in a variety of science related fields.
I have travelled to different cities in India and Nepal during four my bachelor and I have found that travelling has broadened my horizons by giving me the opportunity to meet new people and experience different cultures. I am very fond of music Singing and writing and also enjoy playing cricket. I look forward to becoming a member of the numerous student organizations prevalent at your institution, whilst at the same time studying hard to achieve my academic goals.
I relish the opportunity to prove my worth and I am firmly of the view that I can become a real asset to your institution not only academically, but also by becoming involved in the wide ranging activities on offer. Likewise, my interests in research involve PVT analysis and Phase Behavior. Accordingly, my ability of grasping things in no time and also my practical approach towards life and education makes me a possible candidate.
Further, I have chosen Norwegian University of Science and Technology because of its commendable formal training in core Petroleum engineering fundamentals, which is the requirement of top-research agencies these days.
Also, at present the research activities in Energy efficiency and Improved efficiency in exploration and production of oil and gas at NTNU are phenomenal with good prospects. In a like manner, I consider your esteemed university is the best option for my research in these areas. Remember: This is just a sample from a fellow student. Sorry, copying is not allowed on our website, petroleum engineering admission essay. We will occasionally send you account related emails.
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We use cookies to personalyze your web-site experience. This essay has been submitted by a student. This is not an example of the work written by professional essay writers. My Motivation to Study Petroleum Engineering Category: EducationInformation Science and TechnologyPsychology Subcategory: TechnologyLearningPersonality Psychology Topic: EngineeringMotivation Pages: 2 Words: Published: 14 July Downloads: 48 Download Print.
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