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Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus Latin: [ˈŋnae̯. He played a significant role in the transformation of Rome; from the Roman Republic to the Roman Empire. He was also for a time a student of Roman general Sulla as well as the political ally and later enemy of Julius Caesar.

A member of the senatorial nobility, Pompey entered into a military career while still young. He rose to prominence serving the dictator Sulla as a commander in the civil war of 83—82 BC. Pompey's success as a general while young enabled him to advance directly to his first Roman consulship without following the traditional cursus honorum the required steps to advance in a political career.

He was elected as Roman consul on three occasions. He also celebrated three Roman triumphs. In 60 BC, Pompey joined Marcus Licinius Crassus and Gaius Julius Caesar in the military-political alliance known as the First Triumvirate. Pompey's order resume online little caesars to Caesar's daughter, Juliahelped secure this partnership. After the deaths of both Crassus and Julia, Pompey became an ardent supporter of the optimates — the conservative faction of the Roman Senate.

Both Pompey and Caesar began to contend for leadership of the Roman state in its entirety, which eventually lead to Caesar's Civil War. When Pompey was defeated at the Battle of Pharsalus in 48 BC, order resume online little caesars, he sought refuge in Egypt where he was later assassinated. Pompey's early success earned him the cognomen Magnus — "the Great" — after his boyhood hero Alexander the Great.

His adversaries also gave him the nickname adulescentulus carnifex "teenage butcher" for his ruthlessness. Pompey was born in Picenum a region of Ancient Italy to a local noble family. His father, Gnaeus Pompeius Strabowas the first of his branch of the gens Pompeia to achieve senatorial status in Rome, despite his provincial origins. The Romans referred to Strabo as a novus homo new man. Pompeius Strabo ascended the traditional cursus honorumbecoming quaestor in BC, praetor in 92 BC and consul in 89 BC.

Pompey's father acquired a reputation for greed, political double-dealing, and military ruthlessness. He fought the Social War against Rome's Italian allies. He supported Sullawho belonged to the optimatesthe pro-aristocracy faction, against Mariuswho belonged to the populares in favor of the peoplein Sulla's first civil war 88—87 BC. Strabo died during the siege of Rome by the Marians, in 87 BC—either as a casualty of an epidemic, [3] or by having been struck by lightning.

Pompey served under his father's command during the final years of the Social War. He discovered that the theft was committed by one of his father's freedmen. Following his preliminary bouts with his accuser, the judge took a liking to Pompey and offered order resume online little caesars daughter Antistia in marriage, and so Pompey was acquitted.

Another civil war broke out between the Marians and Sulla in 84—82 BC. The Marians had previously taken over Rome while Sulla was fighting the First Mithridatic War 89—85 BC against Mithridates VI in Greece. Pompey raised three legions from his order resume online little caesars veterans and his own clients in Picenum to support Sulla's march on Rome against the Marian regime of Gnaeus Papirius Carbo and Gaius Marius.

Cassius Dio described Pompey's troop levy as a "small band, order resume online little caesars. Sulla defeated the Marians and was appointed as Dictator. He admired Pompey's qualities and thought that he was useful for the administration of his affairs. He and his wife, Metella, persuaded Pompey to divorce Antistia and marry Sulla's stepdaughter Aemilia. Plutarch commented that the marriage was "characteristic of a tyranny, and benefitted the needs of Sulla rather than the nature and habits of Pompey, Aemilia being given to him in marriage when she was with a child by another man.

Pompey accepted, but "Aemilia had scarcely entered Pompey's house before she succumbed to the pangs of childbirth. Plutarch wrote that Pompey dismissed with contempt a report that she had had an affair while he was fighting in the Third Mithridatic War between 66 and 63 BC. However, on his journey back to Rome, he examined the evidence more carefully and filed for divorce. He was condemned to death, but later released for the sake of his mother Mucia. The survivors of the Marians, order resume online little caesars, those who were exiled after they lost Rome and those who escaped Sulla's persecution of his opponents, were given refuge on Sicily by Marcus Perpenna Vento, order resume online little caesars.

Papirius Order resume online little caesars had a fleet there, and Gnaeus Domitius Ahenobarbus had forced entry into the Roman province of Africa. Sulla sent Pompey to Sicily with a large force.

According to Plutarch, Perpenna fled and left Sicily to Pompey. While the Sicilian cities had been treated harshly by Perpenna, Pompey treated them with kindness. However, Pompey "treated Carbo in his misfortunes with an unnatural insolence," taking Carbo in fetters to a tribunal he presided over, examining him closely "to the distress and vexation of the audience," and finally, sentencing him to death. Pompey also treated Quintus Valerius "with unnatural cruelty.

Pompey left his brother-in-law, Gaius Memmiusin control of Sicily and sailed his army to Africa. When he got there, 7, of the enemy forces went over to him. Domitius was subsequently defeated at the battle of Utica and died when Pompey attacked his camp.

Some cities surrendered, some were taken by storm. King Hiarbas of Numidiawho was an ally of Domitius, was captured and executed, order resume online little caesars. Pompey invaded Numidia and subdued it in order resume online little caesars days, restoring Hiempsal II to the throne. When he returned to the Roman province of Africa, order resume online little caesars, Sulla ordered him to send back the rest of his troops and remain there with one legion to wait for his successor.

This turned the soldiers who had to stay behind against Sulla, but Pompey said that he would rather kill himself than go against Sulla. When Pompey returned to Rome, everyone welcomed him.

To outdo them, Sulla saluted him as Magnus the Greatafter Pompey's boyhood hero Alexander the Great, and ordered the others to give him this cognomen. Pompey asked for a triumphbut Sulla refused because the law allowed only a consul or a praetor to celebrate a triumph, and said that if Pompey—who was too young even to be a senator—were to do so, he would make both Sulla's regime and his honor odious. Plutarch commented that Pompey "had scarcely grown a beard as yet.

According to Plutarch, Sulla did not hear him directly, but saw expressions of astonishment on the faces of those that did. When Sulla asked what Pompey had said, he was taken aback by the comment and cried out twice "Let him have his triumph!

His soldiers, order resume online little caesars, who had not received as much of a share of the war booty as they expected, threatened a mutiny, but Pompey said that he did not care and that he would rather give up his triumph.

Pompey went ahead with his extra-legal triumph. However, in 79 BC, when Pompey canvassed for Lepidus and succeeded in making him a consul against Sulla's wishes, Sulla warned Pompey to watch out because he had made an adversary stronger than him.

He omitted Pompey from his will. After Sulla's death in 78 BC, Marcus Aemilius Lepidus tried to revive the fortunes of the populares. He became the new leader of the reformist movement silenced by Sulla. He tried to prevent Sulla from receiving a state funeral and from order resume online little caesars his body buried in the Campus Martius. Pompey opposed this and ensured Sulla's burial with honours.

In 77 BC, when Lepidus had left for his proconsular command he was allocated the provinces of Cisalpine and Transalpine Gaulhis political opponents moved against him and he was recalled from his proconsular command.

When he refused to return, they declared him an enemy of the state, and, when Lepidus did move back to Rome, he did so at the head of an army. The Senate passed a Consultum Ultimum the Ultimate Decree which called on the interrex Appius Claudius and the proconsul Quintus Lutatius Catulus to take necessary measures to preserve public safety. Catulus and Claudius persuaded Pompey, who had several legions' worth of veterans in Picenum in the northeast of Italy ready to take up arms at his command, to join their cause.

Pompey, invested as a legate with propraetorial powers, quickly recruited an army from among his veterans and threatened Lepidus, who had marched his army to Rome, from the rear. Pompey penned up Marcus Junius Brutusone of Lepidus's lieutenants, in Mutina. After a lengthy siege, Brutus surrendered. Plutarch wrote that it was not known whether Brutus had betrayed his army or whether his army had betrayed him.

Brutus was given an escort and retired to a town by the river Po, but the next day he was apparently assassinated on Pompey's orders. Pompey was blamed for this, because he had written that Brutus had surrendered order resume online little caesars his own accord, and then wrote a second letter denouncing him after he had him murdered. Catulus, who had recruited an army at Rome, now took on Lepidus, directly defeating him in a battle just to the north of Rome.

After having dealt with Brutus, order resume online little caesars, Pompey marched against Lepidus' rear, catching him near Cosa. Although Pompey defeated him, Lepidus was still able to embark part of his army and retreat to Sardinia. Lepidus fell ill while on Sardinia and died, allegedly because he found out that his wife had had an affair. Quintus Sertoriusorder resume online little caesars, the last survivor of the Cinna-Marian faction Sulla's main opponents during the civil wars of BCwaged an effective guerrilla war against the officials of the Sullan regime in Hispania.

He was able to rally the local tribes, particularly the Lusitanians and the Celtiberiansin what came to be called the Sertorian War BC. Sertorius's guerrilla tactics wore down the Sullans in Hispania; he even drove the proconsul Metellus Pius from his province of Hispania Ulterior. Pompey, who had just successfully assisted the consul Catulus in putting down the rebellion of Marcus Aemilius Lepidusasked to be sent to reinforce Metellus.

He had not disbanded his legions after squashing the rebels and remained under arms near the city with various excuses until he was ordered to Hispania by the senate on a motion of Lucius Philippus. A senator asked Philippus if he "thought order resume online little caesars necessary to send Pompey out as proconsul. Pompey, however, was not a consul and had never held public office. His career seems to have been driven by desire for military glory and disregard for traditional political constraints.

Pompey recruited an army of 30, order resume online little caesars, infantry and 1, order resume online little caesars, cavalry, its size evidence of the seriousness of the threat posed by Sertorius. Laelius, PetreiusC. Cornelius, probably Gabinius and Varro.

Pompey's arrival gave the men of Metellus Pius new hope and led to some local tribes, which were not tightly associated with Sertorius, to change sides. According to Appian, as soon as Pompey arrived, he marched to lift the siege of Lauron, where he suffered a substantial defeat at the hands of Sertorius himself, order resume online little caesars.

Pompey order resume online little caesars the rest of 76 Order resume online little caesars recovering from the defeat and preparing for the coming campaign. In 75 BC, Sertorius decided to take on Metellus while he left the battered Pompey to two of his legates Perpenna and Herennius. In a battle near ValentiaPompey defeated Perpenna and Herennius and regained some of his prestige. Metellus then promptly defeated Hirtuleius at the Battle of Italica and marched after Sertorius.

Pompey and Metellus pursued him to a settlement called "Seguntia" certainly not the more known Saguntum settlement on the coast, but one of the many Celtiberian towns called Seguntia, since Sertorius had withdrawn inlandwhere they fought an inconclusive battle.

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