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Thesis Protocol – DNB General Surgery
Guidelines for Writing Thesis Protocol Link. Thesis Protocol Submission Form Link, dnb thesis submission address. Submit your Thesis Protocol online at NBE website Link. For latest information regarding Thesis Protocol visit NBE Site Link. DNB candidates are required to submit their thesis protocol within 90 days of their joining DNB training. For inquiries pertaining to thesis protocol, you may write to thesis natboard.
You have to submit two letters along with Thesis Protocol. Authenticated with seal of scientific committee scientific committee approval certificate signed by Chairperson on its letter head.
You will receive a Thesis Protocol acceptance letter from NBE and it usually takes 6 months after submission. Title of study should be complete with mention of study type example: cross-sectional, prospective, retrospective etc.
You have to justify your sample size. You have two options for dnb thesis submission address. Refer similar kind of studies done in Indian population or — 2. Refer to formula for determination of sample size.
Changing title of thesis: If you have submitted your title of thesis during registration with DNB course i. Once you have submitted protocol, it is not possible to change the title.
Postal address: To, The Executive Director, National Board of Examinations Medical Enclave, Ansari Nagar Ring Road, New DelhiP. Box Dnb thesis submission address. These are few important issues addressed here. Go through the Guidelines for Writing Thesis Protocol Link for more details. Attend any CME for Thesis protocol writing conducted by NBE each year CME Notification. Like Like. No, there is no separate format for resending rejected protocol. You have to resend with corrections in same format.
My thesis is dnb thesis submission address. For corrections. I got a letter stating that natboard. Is there any specific guidelines for thesis resubmission.?? Hope your modified Thesis was accepted. php All the best for future, dnb thesis submission address. You are commenting using your WordPress. com account, dnb thesis submission address.
You are commenting using your Google account. You are commenting using your Twitter account. You are commenting using your Facebook account. Notify me of new comments via email. Notify me of new posts via email. Skip to content Guidelines for Writing Thesis Protocol Link Thesis Protocol Submission Form Link Submit your Thesis Protocol online at NBE website Link For latest information regarding Thesis Protocol visit NBE Site Link DNB candidates are required to submit their thesis protocol within 90 days of their joining DNB training.
Thesis Protocol Acceptance Letter 1, dnb thesis submission address. Which topic to choose for Thesis? Your topic should be simple, not very common yet relevant to present day. Try to avoid doing experimental studies. Decide a topic which is based on cases that are common in your hospital and you will get sufficient number of cases during 2 years of study.
NBE has database of all previous thesis. It is not necessary that your topic should be on general surgery. You can choose any topic from urosurgery, dnb thesis submission address, cardiothoracic surgery, neuro surgery or plastic surgery. Your session starts from either June or December, even-though you joined 3 to 4 months later.
Title of study Title of study should be complete with mention of study type example: cross-sectional, prospective, retrospective etc. Literature search To search in NLM database create an account in PubMed though dnb thesis submission address gmail account Search in PubMed.
You can search in Cochrane Library Research Gate Google Scholar. or simply search in Google Bing Create a separate folder in your laptop and save all the literature. Take print out as necessary. If you are not getting enough references, just check the references that is given in one published article and you can cross check those references. There is no fixed rule regarding how many references should be there in your thesis. Sample size You have to justify your sample size.
Statistical method Specify statistical methods that will be applied in your thesis in details. FAQ Changing title of thesis: If you have submitted your title of thesis during registration with DNB course i. Share this: Twitter Facebook. Like this: Like Loading Leave a Reply Cancel reply Enter your comment here Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in:.
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Demonstration - Thesis Submission
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